Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

The Art of Direct Mailing

Art of Direct MailingThe In any industry, direct mail shots remain one of the most effective means of drumming up new business. To ensure that the mail shots themselves are of a high standard there are three main criteria to be observed, namely; content, design and the target list. The latter is, in a way, the most important, as without a comprehensive and accurate list of names and addresses, your direct mail shot is simply a waste of paper. The key to compiling a good direct mail list is to utilize all available sources e.g. yellow pages, local newspapers, personal contacts etc... It is then up to you to be constantly aware of opportunities to add to this list, thereby maintaining and expanding it. Content and design are also of vital importance, as they should grab the attention of your existing and prospective customer. If the design in terms of layout, color and graphics is eye-catching, your mail shot will almost certainly be read. The main significance of direct mailing as a marketing tool is that apart from bringing in new business, it can maintain and strengthen relationships with existing customers. If you want to increase your visibility throughout your market then direct mailing is a more subtle way than other means of advertising. A direct mail shot reaches people in their own space and is therefore more personal and less invasive, as your (prospective customer) will turn their attention to it at a time that is convenient. Perseverance is important when setting up your marketing program, for just as it takes four or five attempts to close a sale, it takes six or seven mail shots to close a customer. A constant direct mail system therefore allows you the necessary repetition to avoid buyer inertia. Mail shots are useful in helping to build your reputation for having a different approach to others in your industry, for it may be that your competition are “too busy” to have a regular direct mail program, therefore it may be that at least a portion of your sales growth will come at their expense. Copyright (c) 2003 All Rights Reserved

Article by: Roy Bartell. Do YOU want actual action steps to proven methods for increasing traffic...not a bunch of rambling "web philosophy".You will learn how to generate web traffic from numerous sources. http://www.RBar67.com/tswarm.htm

Seven ways a copywriter can make or break your business

Think you can’t afford to hire a copywriter? Think again. Here are seven ways a copywriter can contribute to the success of your business.

#1 – Save you time. Chances are, you have more than enough things to fill your day with other than writing brochure copy or freshening your Web site or getting that pesky newsletter article off your desk. When you hire a professional copywriter, not only are you getting one more thing off your to-do list, but also it will probably get done faster than you could do it.

#2 – Find the right words. What’s the purpose of copywriting? To sell your business, your image, your products or your services. Obvious, right? But what’s key here is “sell.” The words chosen to represent your business, your image, your products or your services need to be doing their job – selling what you need sold. That’s where a copywriter shines (the great ones anyway). Making sure those words are out there selling to your target audience.

#3 – Cut through the chaos. Every day, Americans are hit with over 3,000 attempts to snag their attention. The right words can help your message stand out and be noticed rather than getting overlooked.

#4 – Provide the foundation of your marketing. The right words can work hand-in-hand with your sales force. Words will soften your target audience, giving your salespeople an edge when they deliver their pitch. A piece of literature or ad can reach hundreds, thousands or even millions of people, and if crafted right, can have them calling your sales force rather than the other way around (wouldn’t that be nice?).

#5 – Keep you in control. When you supply your sales force or employees with already written pitches, sales letters and high-quality literature, you stay in control of your message because they’re using words you’ve already approved rather than coming up with their own message.

#6 –Make you look good. Well-written copy combined with eye-catching graphics will add a level of professionalism and elevate your business’s image to a higher level.

#7 – Help you be objective. Many business people are too close to their business, so it’s difficult for them to see not just faults but also strengths. Copywriters can come in and be objective, really seeing how best to sell the business, the image, the products or services. Then they can craft the right message for maximum results.

Copywriting can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. Make sure the words chosen to represent your company are as compelling and as effective as possible.

Michele Pariza owns Creative Concepts and Copywriting, a writing, marketing and public relations agency. She offers two free e-newsletters that help subscribers combine their creativity with hard-hitting marketing and copywriting principles to become more successful at attracting new clients, selling products and services and boosting business. She can be reached at http://www.writingusa.com. Copyright 2003 Michele Pariza.

This article can be reprinted freely online, as long as the entire article and author bio are included.

How "on target" is your marketing?

Their likes, dislikes, what they're watching, what they want, what they need?

The people who are either buying your products and services or who could be buying your products and services are your target market. Understanding this market is essential to your marketing.

Actually, it's essential to your business. Period.

Creating customer loyalty is already tough. And it's going to get tougher. The only way you're going to even have a chance to develop customer loyalty is to fully understand your target market.

Now when I say understand your target market, the answer I'm NOT looking for is "the general public" or "mostly women" or, worse yet, "anyone can benefit from what I sell."

While all that may be true, not everyone is going to buy your product. You need to narrow it down to the people most likely to buy and market just to them (trust me, even Wal-Mart has a target market).

The more deeply you understand your target market, the more you will reap the rewards in increased sales and loyal customers. One way you can learn to connect with your customers is through role-playing.

Here's how to do this:

1. Read everything you can get your hands on about your target market. Demographic information, likes, dislikes, home environment, whatever you can find.

2. Create a "typical customer profile." Take all those details and make a composite character.

Let's say your target market is composed of married women in their thirties with small children and a full-time job. So, from that, you create a typical customer profile -- a 35-year-old woman with two small children who works as a loan officer at Wells Fargo and her name is Marci (giving your character a name is very important). She also has a dog, a husband named Larry who works as computer programmer and a house in the suburbs.

It doesn't matter if any of this is true or not, the point is to make this "customer composite character" as real as possible.

3. Now pretend to be Marci. Actually live in her skin. Think to yourself: "What would Marci do in this situation? What would she eat for breakfast? What would she think? How would she act?" Really try to get inside her skin.

Don't get discouraged if this doesn't come naturally. It takes awhile to get the knack of it. Try this exercise for a few minutes over a few days -- it should get easier each time you try it.

4.Once you start to feel comfortable with this exercise, then you can ask your "target market character" questions. What do you really want from our products? What needs do you want fulfilled? What are you looking for? Ask yourself while you're in "character" and see what answers bubble up. It may help to write your questions and answers down.

You can also do this as a group exercise, with people "acting" different target market characters.

By really getting to know your target market, you can discover what matters to them and how you can meet their needs. Connecting emotionally with your target audience is a powerful tool. It will give you a huge edge over your competition.

Michele Pariza owns Creative Concepts and Copywriting, a writing, marketing and public relations agency. She offers two free e-newsletters that help subscribers combine their creativity with hard-hitting marketing and copywriting principles to become more successful at attracting new clients, selling products and services and boosting business. She can be reached at www.writingusa.com. Michele Pariza.

Are Keywords Destroying the Flow of Your SEO Copy?

With all the shuffling that’s been seen in the search engine world within the last year, the issue of obvious optimizing has become a hot button. The current line of thinking is that most engines (especially Google) are on the lookout for sites that purposely make an effort to optimize their pages in order to get high rankings. While this theory has not been proven, I agree that obvious optimization is not a good thing. Not exclusively because of what Google might think, but because of what your site visitors might think.

When a Web site is created with the intent of having it ranked highly, one thing often happens. The focus gets placed solely on the optimization and is taken almost completely away from the visitor. This leaves your site in a dangerous state of unbalance. Let’s take a look at some examples.

========================= New Orleans Web Design =========================

Our New Orleans Web design firm offers a high level of creativity to businesses located in the general area. Our New Orleans Web design styles are never made from templates. Each New Orleans Web design is a custom creation just for your site.

I can’t count how many times I’ve visited Web design sites that were targeting local audiences and found copy similar to this example. Forget for a moment that this copy is completely “me, us, we, our” centered, and let me ask you a question.

If someone asked you what your company did would you say, “Web design” or “New Orleans Web design”? Yes, I know the keyphrase is “New Orleans Web design,” but using that phrase interchangeably with “Web design” shatters the flow of natural language. Breaking up that phrase will help you retain your appeal to the engines and your site visitors. It will also keep you from appearing to be over optimized.

You’ll also want to vary your terms to avoid absolutely bombarding the reader (and the engines) with the same keyphrases. That *may* mean the need for longer copy *if* your target audience is one that would respond well to longer copy.

Try this instead:

Progressive, creative, upbeat. Those are phrases that best describe many online businesses based in New Orleans. Web design for your organization should match your style. Never created from templates, the site designs you’ll receive will be truly reflective of your corporate personality. Because we work exclusively with companies located in or near New Orleans, Web designs retain that Big Easy feel.

See the difference? By breaking the phrase up, you work with the flow of natural language instead of against it. To your site visitors and the engines, it appears the phrase is just part of a written conversation instead of something that has been purposely (and carelessly) tossed in for the sole benefit of higher rankings.

So, is the flow of your current copy destroyed by keywords? Are you scaring off both the engines and your visitors? One quick check can help you decide. Read your copy out loud. (Or better yet, have someone else read your copy out loud.) Does it sound odd? Does reading it feel forced or stiff? Would the sentences you’ve written in your copy seem out of place in the course of a verbal conversation with someone? If you answered “yes” to any or all of these questions, you might better take a closer look at your Web page.

Karon is author of “How To Increase Keyword Saturation (Without Destroying the Flow of Your Copy).” Discover the secrets to creating SEO copy with a perfect balance between keywords and natural language. http://www.copywritingcourse.com/keyword


Karon is author of “How To Increase Keyword Saturation (Without Destroying the Flow of Your Copy).” Discover the secrets to creating SEO copy with a perfect balance between keywords and natural language with this insightful e-report.

Five Tips to Make Your Marketing More Creative

Same old same old just doesn't sell anymore. To make your marketing stand out, you need to get creative. Below are five tips designed to get your creative juices flowing. Some are brainteasers or are what Michael Michalko in "Thinkertoys" calls Linear Thinkertoys. Others fall under intuition or Intuitive Thinkertoys.

Some tips may appeal to you more than others. My suggestion is to try them all. Even the ones you're not drawn to may still open some doors that wouldn't have opened any other way.

These tips will work whether you sell a product, a service or both.

1. Find the "second right answer." Roger von Oech talks about this in A Whack on the Side of the Head. Don't be content with the first good idea you come up with. Take the time to think of a second, or third or 50th idea. Quantity counts – the more ideas you have to choose from, the more likely you'll discover an excellent or even a brilliant one. Remember, Thomas Edison discovered thousands of ways a light bulb didn't work.

2. Change the question. If you change the question, you're probably going to get a different answer. You say you want to sell more products? What if you changed the question to how can you make more money? Well, there are other ways to make more money than to sell more products – maybe you lower the cost of making the product or you raise the price of the product. Now you suddenly have new avenues to explore rather than just going down the same tired path.

3. Ask your product or service how it wants to be sold. Now we move into more intuitive techniques. Start by getting yourself into a relaxed state. Take a few deep breaths or practice some relaxation techniques. Imagine your product or service in front of you. Now ask it questions. Who do you want to be sold to? How do you want to be sold? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Who do you think you can help? Why do you want to help them? You can also do this technique as a journal exercise. Write down the question and answer. See what bubbles up onto the paper.

4. Paint a public relations campaign. What would a press release look like if you painted it? Or sculpted it? How about a dance number? A collage? Take any part of your marketing that troubles you and turn it into a piece of art. By combining two dissimilar acts, you may discover your answer. Or you may not come up with anything at all, but just the act of "playing" and "creating" could jolt something loose. Hours or days later your idea may suddenly end up in your lap.

5. Walk away from it. If nothing is working, then stop. You can literally walk away by taking a walk, or just quit thinking about it. This is especially important if you find yourself getting frustrated or discouraged. Give your subconscious time to mull things over. The idea may just suddenly appear to you. Or, after a few days, try another exercise or two. That may be the catalyst you need.

The most important tip of all? Make sure you have a blast. Being creative should be fun. Keep it light and fun, don't struggle too hard with it, and see how many ideas you're rewarded with.

Michele Pariza Wacek owns Creative Concepts and Copywriting, a writing, marketing and creativity agency. She offers two free e-newsletters that help subscribers combine their creativity with hard-hitting marketing and copywriting principles to become more successful at attracting new clients, selling products and services and boosting business. She can be reached at www.writingusa.com. Copyright 2004 Michele Pariza Wacek.

"Super Adjectives" Boost the Power of Your Copy

Pretty or elegant? Good or scrumptious? Nice or delightful? There is power in the adjectives you choose. Just like Clark Kent and Superman or Bruce Wayne and Batman, some adjectives are plain, ordinary, everyday words. Others are alter-ego Super Adjectives that leap into your customers’ minds in a single bound. Adjectives are boring, but Super Adjectives impress, inspire, and convince your customers more effectively.

Look at these examples to see what I mean:


Great Top for Hot Summer Days

When it’s hot outside, this top will help keep you cool. Made of cool nylon, you’ll love how it sheds moisture. Available in four pastel colors.


Perfect Tank Top for Hot Summer Days

When the temperatures are steamy outside, this tank will help keep you remarkably cool. Made of breathable 100% nylon, you’ll love how it sheds moisture. Available in four spring-fresh colors.

See the difference? The latter paints a more vivid picture of the tank top than the former.

Try this…


The Prestige Collection is a unique selection of ceiling fans available at Hastings Home Center. The Prestige Collection offers all the quality craftsmanship, and dependable performance, you expect from Hastings along with styles so pretty they take ceiling fans to the next level – and dress your home for any occasion.


The Prestige Collection is a distinctive selection of elegantly designed ceiling fans available exclusively at Hastings Home Center. The Prestige Collection offers all the expert craftsmanship, and whisper-quiet performance, you expect from Hastings. In addition, you get styles so stunning they take ceiling fans to the next level – and exceptionally dress your home for any occasion.

What’s the difference? Why are the “afters” so much more powerful than the “befores”? Because compelling adjectives were used. Adjectives let the reader know more about the product and develop a connection with it. But boring ordinary adjectives aren’t the answer. You need Super Adjectives to entice your readers. For example, instead of just “cool nylon,” we say “breathable nylon.” The colors aren’t just “pastel colors,” they are “spring-fresh” colors. When you read that, you begin to envision what the colors look like. They aren’t deep, dark colors. They are delicate shades found during the springtime.

Instead of saying “a unique selection,” we said “a distinctive selection.” Rather than “quality craftsmanship,” it’s “expert craftsmanship.” Not just “dependable performance,” but “whisper-quiet performance.”

Where do you find these Super Adjectives? They are all over the place! Here’s a short list. You can also visit free sites like http://www.thesaurus.com for more.

Adjectives vs. Super Adjectives

· Appealing – attractive, alluring, fascinating · Best – excellent, unsurpassed, paramount · Cool – trendy, fashionable, hip · Different – unusual, exclusive, special · Easy – effortless, trouble-free, user-friendly · Fabulous – tremendous, magnificent, remarkable · Handy – functional, ideal, well-suited · Improved – enhanced, superior, refined · Leading – first-rate, top-notch, supreme · Mouthwatering – tasty, savory, succulent · New – innovative, fresh, inventive · Powerful – forceful, persuasive, compelling · Reliable – dependable, steadfast, trustworthy · Safe – secure, fully guarded, guaranteed · Unique – distinctive, rare, matchless · Vivid – vibrant, brilliant, stunning · Wonderful – magnificent, amazing, astonishing

Take some time to go beyond the ordinary. Find a few Super Adjectives to use in your copy in order to boost excitement and interest in the products/services you write about. That added attention Super Adjectives bring can easily correlate to additional sales.

Tired of endlessly searching the ‘Net in hopes of finding the latest copywriting techniques? Need an up-to-date directory filled with the best ways to learn copywriting? Visit http://www.learn-copywriting.com today for the widest collection of the most popular copywriting resources available.


Tired of endlessly searching the ‘Net in hopes of finding the latest copywriting techniques? Need an up-to-date directory filled with the best ways to learn copywriting? Visit Learn Copywriting today for the widest collection of the most popular copywriting resources available.

Why radio advertising could be the best thing you ever did for your business

In the marketing world, radio has earned the reputation of being the odd step-cousin. You know the one. No one knows quite what to do with him. Especially at family gatherings when everyone tries hard to avoid sitting with him. (After all, who knows WHAT he'll start talking about.)

Much of that reputation comes from radio being tough to track. On one hand, radio does work. Businesses do notice an increase in sales when they add radio to the mix. However, radio doesn't test well. In surveys and other tracking methods, radio tends to be the one with the dismal scores.

A good friend of mine, who's also a marketing consultant but before that she sold radio for many years, has a theory about that. She says radio works on a subconscious or unconscious level. People remember the ad, but not that they heard it on the radio. So, they tend to credit a different medium for the ad, like the yellow pages. Yellow pages gets a boost while radio drops a few points.

Regardless, radio should not be ignored because it does work. And many marketing consultants will probably tell you radio is an excellent medium to reach a local market.

However, I feel there are possibilities beyond merely reaching local customers.

Internet radio shows are starting to take off in a big way. That means advertising and sponsorship opportunities are also taking off. In addition, "offline" methods have been shown to be pretty effective at driving traffic online. If increasing Web traffic is your goal, using traditional media outlets to increase traffic should be a part of your mix.

If people already know you (which they might in your local market) they're more likely to be loyal. And they're more likely to send other customers to your site. Depending on the costs of radio in your community, radio may be a very affordable way to get a good viral campaign going. (A viral campaign is what happens when other people pass around your business' e-mails to their friends and family, or send them to your Web site.)

Below are some other positive reasons to use radio:

* Affordable -- when you compare spot to spot, radio tends to be one of the least expensive media out there. However, one spot ain't going to do it. To reach your target market, you need to purchase several spots. That's why radio can also turn into one of the more expensive media. However, there are ways to keep your costs in line yet still reap the benefits of radio -- for instance, buying less spots but running them all in one or two weeks, so your customers are more likely to hear your message.

* Psychological, if you voice the commercials yourself -- hearing your voice makes people feel like they "know" you. (Hence the popularity of audio on Web sites. In fact, marketing gurus claim just by adding audio to a site substantially increases how many people buy.)

People tend to buy from people and businesses they know and trust. Hearing your voice helps them feel as if they know you. These psychological aspects may be another reason to consider running a few radio ads in your local market even if you have an Internet business.

* Speed -- you can get your spot up and running in no time.

* Loyalty -- listeners choose stations based on the music or shows they like and they tend to be quite loyal to that station. If you know what your customers enjoy listening to, it's an excellent way to reach them. (I include both music and talk shows in this.)

* Good support medium -- radio works really well when paired with other marketing mediums (like print, direct mail or television).

But for every positive, there's a negative. In the spirit of being objective, here are a few for radio:

* Background medium -- radio tends to be on in the background, which means it tends to be ignored. Generally, your target market needs to be exposed to your ad more times than other marketing media before they'll act upon your message.

* Little staying power -- the lack of visuals again keeps radio from "sticking" with people. At least, that's what some of the marketing gurus say. But, here again my marketing consultant friend differs. She thinks it's that subconscious thing again.

And if you can write a spot that creates pictures in your customers' heads, you can actually work this to your advantage. In fact, according to my friend, if the picture is defined enough, not only will people remember it better, but they'll also think it was a print ad instead of a radio ad. (More on the art of creating pictures using words in later issues.)

* Hard to track – it's impossible to know exactly how many people are tuning in at any given time.

A final note: Because radio is subconscious, keep that in mind when crafting your ad. Repeat your business name a lot and any other branding info, so it gets into your customers' heads. Don't put in phone numbers. Instead, purchase a memorable Web site domain name and repeat that. And remember to create "pictures" whenever possible.

Creativity Exercise -- How can you use radio in your business?

Would radio work for your business? Let's find out.

Take out a sheet of paper and a fun pen. (I'm partial to gel pens.) Draw a line down the center.

On one side, put the header: Why advertising on radio is a good idea for my business. On the other side, put the header: Why advertising is a bad idea for my business.

Now pick a side and start writing down reasons.

You might be more comfortable starting with the side that's easiest for you. Then when you work on the other side, you can simply turn the reasons around.

For instance, let's say you started with the bad idea. One of your reasons was: My product is completely visual. You could turn it around by saying "Because my product is so visual, I'll have to work harder to create pictures in my customers' minds. And because the customers create their own pictures, they're more likely to remember them."

Or what if you started with a good idea, and one of the reasons was: "Because my business is local." You could turn it around and say "Because radio is holding me back -- I'm only reaching this local market." (Ah, now I'm even going against what I said earlier. Maybe with this statement you could look for ways to get your customers to spread the word outside the area about your business.)

As you saw by my last example, you'll be amazed at what comes out when you do this exercise. Even if you don't change your views on radio advertising, you may come up with new and powerful insights to your business.

Michele Pariza Wacek owns Creative Concepts and Copywriting, a writing, marketing and creativity agency. She offers two free e-newsletters that help subscribers combine their creativity with hard-hitting marketing and copywriting principles to become more successful at attracting new clients, selling products and services and boosting business. She can be reached at www.writingusa.com. Copyright 2004 Michele Pariza Wacek.

How To Write Little Tiny AdWords Ads That Bring Giant-Sized Profits

It seems to be a phenomenon. You try Google AdWords Select, your ad gets “disapproved” by the powers that be at Google, you count your losses and give up. It doesn’t have to be that way. There are two primary factors to succeeding at Google AdWords. The first is getting the right keywords. The second is writing little tiny ads. Neither is all that easy, but they can both be done.

Mark Twain said it best. “If I would have had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter.” The point… it takes much more skill, and much more time to write short copy than long copy.

Let’s go through the process together and I’ll show you a few tricks of the trade that have brought me AdWords click through rates of 7.1%, 8.0%… even 25%.

Step One – You would be very wise to either use a benefit or an end result in your headline. In order to do this, you’ll have to be aware of the difference between features and benefits. Start by making a list. I’ll use the example of an online shoe store.

Here are a few features:

· huge inventory · wide selection of sizes · discounted prices · free shipping

And here are the benefits associated with those features:

· hundreds of styles to choose from · hard-to-find sizes in stock · save money · free shipping (costs nothing extra)

Step Two – Know what your customers are looking for. YOU may feel that one benefit outweighs another. However, your customer might feel differently. Be sure you understand what is important to your customer before writing your headline and your ad. You have no room to waste so it is vital that you find a so-called nail and hit it right on the head.

Step Three – Work in your keywords. There tends to be a greater click through rate on search results that use the exact keyphrase the surfer types in. The same holds true for Google’s AdWords program.

While the following have by no means been researched, we’ll assume that some optimum keywords for our shoe store are: women's shoes and sandals. We’ll want to include these in our ads.

Step Four – Start big and narrow it down. Begin by writing a few sentences or a paragraph about what you’d like your customer to know. Perhaps:

You’ll find everything you’re looking for in one place! Hundreds of styles to choose from including hard-to-find sizes in stock. You’ll save lots of money because our regular prices are far below that of other stores. Plus shipping is always free – regardless of the amount of your purchase. Check out our excellent selection of women's shoes and sandals.

Now, go back and take out every word that does not absolutely need to be there. You probably came up with something like this:

Everything in one place! Hundreds of styles, hard-to-find sizes. Prices far below other stores. Shipping free. Women's shoes and sandals.

That’s a LOT smaller and still gets the point across. However, it is still too long for AdWords. Your headline must be less than 25 characters (including spaces). Your copy can only be 35 characters per line. (You get two lines.) Now is the time to begin rearranging words to create an ad that will match Google’s guidelines, include your keywords, and draw a crowd to your site.

Here are a couple I came up with:

100s of Styles-Low Prices Big savings on women's shoes. Plus free shipping! All sizes in stock.

Discount Women's Sandals Latest styles at deep discounts. All sizes in stock. Free Shipping!

Step Five – Test, test, test! Put them up and give them a go. See what happens. Believe me, Google will notify you quickly if your ads aren’t performing. Those that get lower than a .05% click through rate are immediately “disapproved.” You are notified that your ad has been pulled and that you need to make changes.

Use the information in the AdWords campaign section to track the results. I’ve heard countless tales of those who have changed one little word and gone from a .07% CTR to a 5.0% CTR. If your ad is pulled, make simple changes to start with. Swapping out the word “savings” for “discount” or “big” for “huge” can be all it takes to catapult you to the top of the list.

When you write extremely short copy, remember to stay focused. There is not enough room to sell the customer within your copy, but there IS enough room to pique their interests. Use the limited space you have to punch up the biggest benefits or end results your customers are looking for and you’ll see bigger returns on your AdWords investment.

Most buying decisions are emotional. Your ad copy should be, too! Karon is Owner and President of Marketing Words, Inc. which offers targeted copywriting, SEO copywriting & ezine article services. Visit her site at http://www.marketingwords.com today, or learn to write your own powerful copy at http://www.copywritingcourse.com.


Most buying decisions are emotional. Your ad copy should be, too! Karon is Owner and President of Marketing Words, Inc. which offers targeted copywriting, SEO copywriting & ezine article services. Visit Karon's copywriting website today, or learn to write your own powerful copy with The Step-by-Step Copywriting Course.

Need a New Idea? Try Changing Your Perspective

One definition of creativity states that creative people look at the same thing everyone else does, yet they see something no one else does.

But even creative people (which includes all of you, of course) can run into roadblocks every now and then. Sometimes it's not possible to see something different. Sometimes you've just been staring at a problem for so long it's now impossible to look at it in any other way.

So what do you do in these situations?

Why not try changing your perspective?

Consider this: A friend of mind who does needlepoint has a design that's mostly black. Rather than simply stitching the design on white canvas with black thread, she's using a black canvas and is stitching the negative aspects of the design instead of the positive.

She changed the way she viewed the problem. And now she has a really cool-looking needlepoint design that's different from most other ones out there.

Or what about this: An art teacher has her students turn a photograph or object upside down and paint what they see -- not a picture but an arrangement of shapes.

By changing your perspective, you're changing what you see. And when you change what you see, you're more likely to create something completely different.

But -- I can hear you all saying right now -- that's art. That won't help me with my business problem.

Okay, so here's another story from the book "Thinkertoys" by Michael Michalko. Back in the 1950s, experts proclaimed the ocean freighter industry was dying. Costs were skyrocketing and delivery times kept getting pushed back later and later.

Executives at the shipping companies kept focusing on ways to cut costs while ships were sailing. They developed ships that went faster and needed fewer crew members to run.

It didn't work. Costs continued to spiral out of control and it still took too long to get the merchandise shipped.

Then one day, a consultant changed the perspective. Rather than ask the question: " In what ways might we make ships more economical while at sea?" executives asked: "In what ways can we reduce costs?"


Ships are big money-sucking machines when they aren't at sea actually doing their job -- shipping merchandise. And when aren't they working? When they're sitting in port being loaded and unloaded.

So, the industry came up with way to preload merchandise on land. Now a ship comes in, the container carrying the cargo rolls off, a new container already loaded with cargo rolls on, and the ship heads back to sea.

That one innovation saved an entire industry. And it happened because shipping executives changed the way they viewed their problem.

Creativity Exercise -- Change your perspective So, how can you change your perspective and solve your business/marketing problems?

Try what the shipping industry did and change the question.

Instead of looking at a narrow part of the problem ("In what ways can we make ships more economical while at sea?") broaden the question ("In what ways can we reduce costs in general?")

Here's another example.

Maybe your question is "how can I land more clients?" What if you started broadening the question like so:

How can I land more clients?

How can I grow my business?

How can I make more money from my business?

How can I make more money period?

How can I be happier in my life? (I know, I know, money doesn't buy happiness. But it's certainly nice to have.)

Maybe one of those questions is a better place to look for a solution. Because maybe one of those questions is the "real" question you want to solve, but since you never took a step back to look at the big picture, you've never discovered the right question to ask.

And if you don't ask the right question, your muse will never give you an answer that actually solves your problem.

Michele Pariza Wacek is the author of "Got Ideas? Unleash Your Creativity and Make More Money." She offers two free e-zines that help subscribers combine their creativity with hard-hitting marketing and copywriting principles to become more successful at attracting new clients, selling products and services and boosting business. She can be reached at http://www.TheAuthorSoul.com.

SEO Copywriting Makeover: Good Rankings but No Sales

In Part 1 of this article series, we looked at a local home security site that had fairly good rankings but whose conversion rate was lacking. (You can see the original copy here: http://www.copywritingcourse.com/topsecurity-original.pdf.) Here in the conclusion, you'll see how several changes helped maintain this company's good rankings while improving their site's lead generation abilities.

The Rewrite

My first thought with the rewrite was to stop making "trust and urgency" the undertones and instead make them the obvious focal points of the copy. As usual, I started with the headline. The previous headline was:

When every second counts, turn to Top Security, Inc. who has been securing Orlando / Central Florida homes and businesses for 689,453,910 seconds.

I wanted something more direct so I changed the headline to:

Top Security, Inc. of Orlando Security Systems From a Trusted Neighbor

This included one of their keyphrases and also made it perfectly clear this company was local and trustworthy.

For the introductory paragraph, I wanted to get the visitor's attention and hold it long enough to make a point: That security is something you need to think about now, not later. I opened with the following:

"If only I’d called you sooner." "I never thought this could happen to me." These are just a few of the many comments we have heard from our customers in Orlando. Security systems suddenly became a top priority for them, but not until after they’d experienced a frightening break-in or a devastating fire. After these disasters, our Orlando neighbors were convinced that burglar alarm and security issues should be a forethought, not an afterthought.

The copy does not beat the visitors over the head with the fact that they could be hurt, face losses, or experience some other frightening situation. It simply plants a seed of "what if" and moves on.

This section of the copy also lends support to the keyphrases Top Security wanted to rank highly for. Because "Orlando Security Systems" can be an awkward phrase to repeat, I split it up in several instances to help the flow of the copy stay natural.

The remainder of the page speaks to the facts that Top Security is local, has longevity in the community, is right around the corner, and offers several other benefits national security companies simply can't (or won't). Benefit after benefit is listed and explained in order to drive home the fact that a local company can – and will – provide exceptional service. You can see the current version here: http://www.copywritingcourse.com/topsecurity-current.pdf.

All throughout these sections of the copy, keyphrases are reinforced in the copy. When applicable, keyphrases are used in bold phrases or others that include special formatting. However, I never forced keyphrases someplace they didn't fit just for the sake of doing it. Keyphrase placement has to meld with the copy, not overpower it.

The call-to-action for the home page was simple. It asked three questions dealing with the biggest complaints about home security that users or potential users have regarding dependability, false alarms, and price.

The Results

The high rankings Top Security had prior to the SEO copywriting makeover were retained for most terms and even increased for a few others. While that's great, what's more important is that lead generations from the site increased, which gave Top Security, Inc. a broader customer base and the potential to make more sales they previously would not have been able to make.

It just goes to show that, even if your site has high positioning, copywriting can play an incredibly important role in bringing growth to your business. After all, what's the point of having good rankings if you have no sales?

Karon Thackston is a veteran copywriting pro who specializes in SEO copy. If your copy isn't getting results, let Karon teach you how to write SEO copy that impresses the engines and your visitors at http://www.copywritingcourse.com. Be sure to check out Karon’s latest ebook “How To Increase Keyword Saturation (Without Destroying the Flow of Your Copy)” at http://www.copywritingcourse.com/keyword.

How Writing Radio Can Help You Become a Better Writer

Knowing how to write, and write well, is a skill that will come in handy in all sorts of situations. And if you combine good writing skills with the persuasive selling tactics found in, say, copywriting, you'll be that much more ahead of your competition.

Of all the different types of writing I've done in my life (and believe me, I've tried practically all of them) writing radio has made one of the bigger impacts on my writing style.

Below are three ways writing radio can help strengthen your writing style. (Oh, and these tips will also help you write better radio copy too.)

1. Follow the rules. Sometimes rules are good. Especially rules that force you to write a certain way. (Think poetry -- mastering those rules can have an amazing effect on your writing style.) Rules require you to slow down and think, to analyze your word, sentence, grammar, punctuation, etc., choices. And that can be very beneficial to your development as a writer.

Radio is short. You have to write something that fits into a 30- or 60-second slot. Not a lot of time or a lot of words. In that 30 or 60 seconds, you need to capture the listener's attention, explain why they should be interested in buying what you're selling, then let them know what you'd like their next step to be. Oh, and did I mention you need to have the business name in there at least twice and probably a tag line as well? And don't forget about music. Or sound effects.

Now the beauty of this is once you've mastered radio rules, you can apply it to all sorts of things. A 30-second pitch for your business you can tell people at networking events. A 15-second introduction before a speech. A quick product spiel for your voice mail. A 15-second pitch for your novel to spit out at agents and editors at writers' conferences. The possibilities are endless.

2. Forces you to write tight. Remember, radio is short. Yet, there's still a lot you have to shove into it. So what's the solution? Absolutely no extra words allowed.

Be brutal. Cut out anything you don't need. In fact, radio is where I first learned to start cutting "that" out. Most "thats" you don’t need, and nothing shows you this like radio.

Here's how I write radio. I start with a first draft. I read it over. I think it's pretty good -- I have all the salient points in there. I read it out loud.

Now the fun begins.

Usually it's too long. You see, I time myself reading. So I have to start chopping words.

When you have to make a script fit into a certain time frame, it's amazing how many words you suddenly discover can be deleted. Or replaced with simpler, shorter words. Or how many sentences can be trimmed. Or phrases made more concise.

As you can imagine, writing radio has really honed my editing skills.

3. Writing for the ear. Writing for the ear is different than writing for the eye. The eye is far more forgiving. Oh that sentence is a bit too long, but it's okay. Hmm, yes I do see that awkward phrase, but I'm fine with it.

Not the ear. The ear is brutal. It's like one of those headmasters from a Dickens' novel, standing in front of the classroom with a stick and banging it every time a student stutters on an answer.

The ear catches everything -- sentences that are too long and don't allow you to take a breath; sentences that don't flow properly; long, complicated five-dollar words that twist the tongue in a knot and much, much more.

Focus on writing shorter sentences. Simpler sentences. Vary your sentences. Use simple words.

And that's just plain good old writing advice no matter what you happen to be writing.

Creativity Exercises -- Write a Radio Ad

Now it's your turn. Time to sit down and write a radio ad.

First, choose something you want the ad to be about. Maybe one of your products or services. But choose only one. More than one and you're just asking for trouble. (Rule of thumb -- one message per ad. No more. Otherwise you run the risk of losing your target market. Pick one message and make it very simple and very clear.)

Now do what I do. Write the ad. Start by keeping it under a general word count -- 100 words for a 30-second ad and 190 words for a 60-second spot.

Finished your first draft? Great. Now read it. And time yourself. (Those clocks on the computer desktop are great for this.)

What, you went over your limit? Better start cutting. See how many words you can take out and sentences you can tighten. Or replace words and phrases with something shorter.

Now read it again. Still too long? Or maybe now it's too awkward. See previous paragraph. Keep repeating until you end up with something that sounds smooth and fits in the allotted time.

Michele Pariza Wacek owns Creative Concepts and Copywriting, a writing, marketing and creativity agency. She offers two free e-newsletters that help subscribers combine their creativity with hard-hitting marketing and copywriting principles to become more successful at attracting new clients, selling products and services and boosting business. She can be reached at http://www.writingusa.com

Writing To Overpower Your Competition

"We don't have any competition. We're a truly a one-of-a-kind company." I've heard that line from clients for years. I wish it were true, but it's simply not. In fact, it wouldn’t matter if you held a monopoly on your particular product or service; you'd still have competition. How? Because your competition doesn't come from a singular source.

There may be no other businesses that sell the product or service you sell, but you still have competition. Once that's understood you have a greater advantage when it comes to copywriting. You can recognize the other options your customers have before them and can position yourself as the only logical choice.

Know Who Your Competition Is

Competition comes from a variety of sources. Yes, there are those who sell the same things you sell, but there competition comes in other forms, too.

The Same But Different

Charitable organizations are a good example of "same but different." Your group may be the only one raising funds to save the purple spotted toad of northern Antarctica but that doesn't mean you'll receive a flood of contributions from everyone you call. Why? Because there are a million and a half other charitable organizations out there all vying for the same money from the same people.

None of these other groups is trying to raise funds to save the purple spotted toad of northern Antarctica, but they are trying to get individuals to donate to their causes. That makes them all your competition.

How do you get around this problem? Assuming your traffic generating efforts or your mailing list is highly targeted, you'll want to make a strong case for this little toad. In your copy, let the readers know why the purple spotted toad is important to the environment (he's the only toad in existence that carries antibodies that can cure cancer). Tell them why the world would be a much sadder place without our bouncing little friend. (In addition to being the only purple toad in the world, this guy is the only food the frosty wilder beast will eat so he's vital to the food chain).

Just like with any other type of copywriting, list the benefits of the purple spotted toad. Why is he important to nature, how will the ecology suffer with his demise and what will happen to the rest of Antarctica if he becomes extinct? All of these are vital to convincing your audience that they should favor you with their contributions instead of some other organization.

Everyone In the Search Results

Go to your favorite search engine and type in "copywriting course" (without the quotes). What do you see? There are a lot of options listed on the search results page. Are all these products the same? By all means no!

Some are live workshops, others are e-courses, some focus strictly on one type of copywriting leaving all others by the wayside, some are correspondence courses while others are downloadable. But because they all appear in response to the query "copywriting course," they all have the potential to take sales away. Even if your site falls into the coveted #1 position, the others on the page could potentially grab some of your sales.

So how do you get surfers to click on your site's listing? Your title and description have to be first rate.

If your copywriting course has a specialty (sales letters, search engines, catalogs, etc.) say so. Choose the most powerful benefit and a way to set yourself apart (your USP) and use those in the tags for your search results along with your keyphrases. Simply having keywords in your title and description might get you ranked with the engine but it sure won't entice anybody to click to your site.

Other Options

There are options and substitutes for practically everything in the world. If people don't want to pay for a computer and Internet access so they can send email, they can write letters or call their friends and family. If customers decide the cost of groceries is out of control, they can plant a garden and eat a vegetarian diet. There are even alternatives to cars: taking a cab (as most do in New York), bicycling (very popular in London) or walking (great exercise). All of these alternatives can be competition for you.

To overcome the pull of other options, when you write copy be sure emphasize why those other options really aren't viable. The sheer act of writing letters takes time in and of itself. Then you have to mail the letter and wait. If the person wants to respond, they have to get motivated enough to sit down and write a reply and mail it. Then you wait again. The phone? Yes, people could use the phone to talk like they always have, but what about when you want to show the person you're talking with something? A picture of your new grandchild or your new car can't be shown over the phone. You get the idea.

Drop the egotistical viewpoint that you have no competition and take a good, hard look around. Once you've realized that there is always an alternative to buying what you offer, you'll be in a better mindset to write copy that outlines why yours is the only option the prospect should consider.

Tired of endlessly searching the ‘Net in hopes of finding the latest copywriting techniques? Need an up-to-date directory filled with the best ways to learn copywriting? Visit http://www.learn-copywriting.com today for the widest collection of the most popular copywriting resources available.

IF PUBLISHING ON A WEBSITE, USE THIS RESOURCE BOX: Tired of endlessly searching the ‘Net in hopes of finding the latest copywriting techniques? Need an up-to-date directory filled with the best ways to learn copywriting? Visit Learn Copywriting today for the widest collection of the most popular copywriting resources available.

Creating A Search Engine Copywriting Plan

by Karon Thackston http://www.copywritingcourse.com/keyword

Search engine copywriting has become an extremely important part of the overall search engine optimization process. However, in addition, search engine copywriting has developed into a misunderstood craft.

Shoving keywords in anywhere they can possibly go is not considered search engine copywriting. The process is more defined than that. Successful SEO copywriting takes planning. Any half-hearted efforts at writing copy geared strictly toward the engines will usually result in a decline in your customer's experience at your site.

What's the best way to write SEO copy? Starting with a plan is always a good idea. Keep in mind, these are guidelines of techniques that can be used *IF* they make sense for your site visitors. I never recommend writing solely for the search engines. In the case of search engine copywriting, the customer is truly #1.

1) Use Three Keyphrases Per Page - Not a carved-in-stone rule, the guideline of three keyphrases per page gives good variety and helps keep the copy from sounding too repetitive. I always choose keyphrases first - before I write - because they can have a direct impact on the focus of the page.

2) Have 250 or More Words of Copy - The length of your copy depends on several things: Your target customer's preferred communication style, whether the product is new to the marketplace, if a detailed explanation needs to be given, site design and many other factors. However, the 250-word minimum gives enough room to get your message across and offer an effective level of keyword support. Remember though, it's all about the customer. If your target customers prefer longer copy, write longer copy. If they like shorter copy, write shorter copy.

3) Write In Natural Language - "Natural language" is a term popular in SEO copywriting. It means that the reader should not be able to (or should barely be able to) detect what keyphrases the page is being optimized for. The copy should flow as if it were not written with the search engines in mind. You don’t want the copy to sound forced or stiff. When you generate ideas for the page copy, keep your keywords in mind. Ask yourself whether you can use them in the copy in such a way that they won't be obtrusive.

4) Use Keyword Phrases In Headlines and Sub-headlines - IF it makes sense to do so. You will not blow your rankings if you have no keyword-filled
or other tags. If your headline sounds stupid with keywords in it, don't use them. There are countless sites online that rank highly which have no keywords in the headline.

5) Use Keyword Phrases Once or Twice Per Paragraph - Again IF it makes sense. Remember what I keep repeating? None of these guidelines are carved in stone. Read your copy out loud. If it sounds stupid or forced, take out some keywords or find ways to rework them so they flow more naturally.

6) Use Keyword Phrases In Bold, Italic or Bulleted Lists - IF it makes sense to do so. Don't automatically bold or italicize every instance of your keywords. It will make your page look stupid, and your visitors will wonder what kind of drugs you've been doing!

7) Do NOT Use Keyword Phrases As Substitutes For Generic Terms - For example, do not replace every instance of the generic word "cruise" with the keyphrase "Mexico cruise vacation." Your copy will sound ridiculous. We offer Mexico cruise vacation packages on the most popular Mexico cruise vacation ships to the most breathtaking Mexico cruise vacation destinations. Oh please!!

8) Use Keyword Phrases As Anchor Text In Links - This is certainly not always possible. If your primary keyphrase is "Mexico Cruise Vacation," you absolutely should not write every link to include that phrase. However, if you can include keywords in anchor text within body copy or in text navigation links, you might score a little extra credit.

9) Test and Track - Lastly, and above all, please remember, it may take some tweaking to get your page to convert the way you want it to. All customers are not the same, and all sites are not the same. All keyphrases are not the same. There is no magic bullet. You'll have to test and track and see what works best for you.

Copy not getting results? Learn to write SEO copy that impresses the engines and your visitors at http://www.copywritingcourse.com. Be sure to check out Karon’s latest e-report “How To Increase Keyword Saturation (Without Destroying the Flow of Your Copy)” at http://www.copywritingcourse.com/keyword.

Attention Grabbing Web Design Portfolio Ideas

The internet is filled with all kinds of web designers and developers. In fact, with thousands entering the industry on a daily basis, it is never easy receiving the attention that you deserve. However, you can easily attract more attention if you know how to use the right tools that are available to you. One of the greatest features that you can focus on is your web design portfolio. With it, you will certainly attract a large audience to your works.

Here are simple ideas that can help you create attention grabbing web design portfolios.

1. High-quality portfolios
Ideally, you need to put more emphasis on the designs within your portfolio. In addition, the presentation of these designs need to be well organized. A perfect portfolio should include easy navigation with an overall clean effect. When a potential client sees such portfolios, they will certainly be interested in your design skills thus contract you for their tasks.

2. Create a blog
No matter your field of operation, a blog is a perfect tools for gaining exposure in the world wide web. With the design in mind, you can create a blog within your portfolio onto which you will be updating your content as well as portfolio and hence attracting more attention to your site. With a well updated blog, you will certainly attract high ranking in the search engines. The possibilities with a blog are endless; for instance, you can talk about your forthcoming projects, show your design process and even talk about other aspects of your life as a designer. Better still, you can integrate your blog with social media.

3. Learn to write
In your spare time, you can always share information about your design skills on your blog. This will portray you as an expert in your field. While doing this, be sure to add a link to your web page design portfolio. You can also consider submitting your articles in article directory sites with a back link to your portfolio page. While focusing your website design portfolios, keep the search engines in mind. Ensure that you create your content with the relevant keywords in mind.

These are just some of the tips that can help you get started in creating exposure for your web design portfolio. There are other several strategies out there that can help you realize this goal.

Author Bio:

Zorbis is USA based Ecommerce & Internet marketing company which provides professional website development, Custom Application Development and Internet marketing solution. If you truly want success, get aid from our dedicated internet marketing expert to boost up your business.

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SEO Content Writing Practices After Google Panda Updates

If you are an SEO content writer, you probably know all about Google Panda updates and how they have revolutionized the SEO world. When it comes to choosing the SEO content writing company, webmasters are treading the ground cautiously as they want to ensure that their content is good enough for Google guidelines. Therefore, an ambitious SEO content writers should follow the best SEO content writing practices to ensure that his articles conform to Google’s content quality guidelines. Here are a few things you must keep in mind before you start penning your next article.

Interactive Content

Thanks to the growing online competition, these days you get noticed only if the content of your website is interactive. There are innumerable articles on the web that the users can go through. However, after skimming through a few of them, they are likely to zero in on the ones that interest them the most. Greater recognition calls for an innovative approach to SEO content writing. Devise visually appealing and interactive content so that the audience gets hooked right away. Incorporate images to make the content appear relevant and attract a higher search engine ranking.

Include Relevant Information

According to the Google Panda updates, articles with valuable information make for a better read. Google’s new algorithms aka Panda updates can easily identify articles that are not authentic and copy the content of other website. This definitely brings down the value of an article as per Google and those articles get a low search engine ranking.

Original SEO content writing helps big time in achieving the trust of Google. Try and include novel information in the article rather than stressing on the word count. You can draw in potential readers by helping them locate authentic information in an article based on your research.

Don’t rehash an existing article

Many SEO content writers are under the misconception that quality content signifies only original text. Google also does not approve articles that are remodeled on the lines of another. Stealing the ideas of another writer is not the mark of a good SEO content writer. The best way out is to compose original and innovative content that bags a higher ranking on Google.

Do not be Keyword centric

Keywords are a vital aspect of SEO content writing but that is no excuse for turning your write-up into a keyword centric one. The need of the hour is valuable information that is accessible online. Use of keywords is a must but that does not undermine in any way the importance of coming up with quality content. Today well-researched articles are being given due importance by both the web surfers and the search engines.

Keep in mind the niche audience

This online convention continues to hold true for SEO content writing. Keeping in mind your target audience plays a vital role in inducing a high ranking on Google. The SEO content writer should devise a highly targeted content for a specific audience as that increases the chances of being recognized by Google for higher ranking.

Bedazzled Media is a leading SEO content writing company. To know more about web banners and stickers, and to avail of our online search engine marketing, you can log on to www.bedazzledmedia.com.

Introduction to Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is, 'marketing of products and services on social media sites such as Facebook”. It a rather unconventional mode of promoting a business, more effectively and at a lower cost. Almost all top brands now have their own Facebook pages and Twitter accounts.


Social sites like Facebook and Twitter are now attracting millions and billions of world population. From the first day on, social sites became a rage and there is no reason as to why they will lose their sheen in the coming years. In fact, Google has recently launched Google Plus, which only add fuel to the fire.

Utility for Businesses

The business is, where the customers are. With billions of people hooked on these sites, businesses have no option but to join the hands. Must have seen those ads on your Facebook profile?

Through social media marketing, businesses are reaping a lot of benefits at a lesser price. More and more marketers have now turned their attention to digital marketing. Though traditional marketing channels still dominate the scene, social media marketing is rapidly making its presence felt.

Think on This:

If you still have not started on Social Media Optimization, it's time that you should start it. If you are on the social media island, you are missing a whole lot of fishes.

Hire an experienced agency to do this work for you

Also ask for pay per click services. This will help you do more and sell more

There is a lot that is yet to come. A lot more that you can make use of, for promoting your products and services in a more meaningful and personal manner. With social media, you create a two-way communication with your customers and develop a bond of trust between the brand and the customers. And, perhaps, this is the one big reason as to why more and more businesses, around the world, are now turning to social media island.

Now, with so many agencies around, finding an ideal one for your business should not be a big trouble. In fact, you can begin your search online. Enter your query in a search-engine and press Enter. You are likely to find many in your nearby places. Zero-in on a few good ones. Compare them on the basis of their offerings. Choose the agency which understands your needs and delivers customised services. Just ensure that you never hand over your site to a new comer as it may do more harm than benefit to your image online.

JumpHigher ( SEO Company in Delhi ) offers customised Social Media Optimization and pay per click services to suit its clients' specific needs. We've served over 1,500 clients so far. Yes, you can trust JumpHigher for all your social media needs.

Making Your Online Business a Success and earning you more Profit

We are living in age of machines when all our lives, our activities are largely controlled by our computers, laptops, iPhones and iPads. Online business is no more a virtual reality that needs to be explained thoroughly to the customers. SEO, website design and development, e-commerce these are all conjoined terms and actions that are required to make your online business a successful one.

SEO Adelaide is well known for its contribution to its client’s successful business online. There are many SEO firms to take care of the SEO needs of their customers. SEO or ‘search engine optimization’ helps increase the visibility of your site on the popular search engines and helps you receive more traffic on a day to day basis. This way your profitability not only increases but your site becomes one of the top listed sites. The concept of SEO is really unique in this regard that you can apply the SEO tactics in your website design and development and thus can make your website a ‘search engine friendly’ one. Therefore we can say optimizing an website for better visibility and to receive more traffic is what the SEO Adelaide does and this is undoubtedly one of the best internet marketing strategies.

website design Adelaide is yet another concern that takes care of all your website design needs. A perfect website can draw more public attention and can help sell off your products online quite easily. There are several methods by which a website design and development campaign works. In case you want to give your old website a new look the HTML and FLASH codes are changed to give the desired effects. While designing your website you can opt for both e-commerce and informational websites. Website design in Adelaide takes care of all the details so that at the end of the day you can not only promote your site to thousands of clients but can also achieve the desired sales figure. To do that their perfect custom made sites include SEO services, web hosting, domain registration activity and content management systems.

E-Commerce web design Australia promotes your business online to help you achieve your business goals online. These sites are perfect custom made business sites with E-Commerce shopping carts, content management systems, Web Hosting, Domain registration and with perfect logo designs. The E-Commerce web design help get your website more clients both locally and internationally and your optimized website done through SEO ranks it top in the popular search engines like in Google or in Yahoo. This way your business gets that desired high earns you magical profit. For more information please visit http://www.2excel.com.au/.

Six Effective SEO Elements to Include In Your Copywriting

SEO is the process of structuring a webpage so that it is found, read and indexed by search engines in the most effective manner. It makes your website and its content attractive, effective and visible to search engines. SEO is not only meant for getting more and more traffic to your website, but it is even more than that. Here are some common SEO elements all the major search engines support and it will be helpful in SEO copywriting. Keyword Frequency Keyword frequency is the number of times you use target keywords or phrases in your webpage. Frequency of keyword in a web page should be between 3% and 7%. It is important that you should use your target keywords in the beginning and at the end of the webpage. But it doesn’t mean that you add lots of target keywords in a web page. If you overdo it, search engines would take it as spam. Emphasize On Keywords Keywords are helpful in bringing your websites on the top of search engine ranking pages. Differentiate your keywords from other words of the pages. You can highlight, bold or use italic fonts for keywords as this will help search engines to identify the keywords. Don’t emphasize on unnecessary words. Content Unique and latest content makes the search engines happy. For search engine optimization purpose your content should be up to the mark and it should be relevant to your topic. Content should have proper headings and titles. Content should be short and concise. Your writing should be simple and easy so that your potential audience understands it. Use Synonyms Play with the words in the content. Try to use similar words. This will make your article applicable for more search queries as well as it will give variety to your article. Search engines love synonyms; you should try to use more and more synonyms in the content. Page Links Linking is the important aspect of the web. The number of links which point to your website will help you in growing your search engine ranking. Linking helps you to gain credibility of your website. Linking needs to be done with the most relevant WebPages. Linking can help you a lot to raise your search engine ranking. Links help in diverting traffic to your website from other websites. Latent semantic indexing This is a technology used by the search engines for checking the value of articles. It can’t be overlooked. Latent semantic indexing looks for relevance and quality, rather than just keywords or links of the website. Latent semantic indexing is an algorithm that scans your website and compares relationship with your passages and keywords. You should use a wide variety of vocabulary in your web pages.

Words Of Wisdom For Successful Affiliate Marketing

Many people have made handsome profits with affiliate marketing. You can be one of those people, if you learn about the most effective marketing techniques. Reading this article is a great start to maximizing your affiliate marketing potential.

Be honest with your readers to be a successful affiliate marketer. If you are not completely honest and upfront with your readers, they will not support you. Honesty pays. A less than honest ad may cause a reader to avoid you. They may react to your dis-ingenuousness by being disinclined to give you a commission. They can do this by going to the seller's site on their own instead of through you.

Don't become complacent just because your affiliate site is highly successful. It is still important to carefully research new partners. The new ones may hold your future success. You need to be sure you can market the product easily and without problems.

You need to think about how your article affiliate marketing is leveraging the power of social media. Social media is certainly considered important to Google. These days, Google makes its search results pages as compatible as possible with social networking sites. Social media sites are very common.

Every affiliate website is a little different. Certain ones can be very hard and frustrating to maneuver around. Even if your site is not as efficiently designed as you would like, it is still possible to make money. Visitors appreciate such assistance, and will be more inclined to trust the webmaster that provides it and make purchases from him or her.

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular and effective ways to get results from your online business. Typically, affiliate programs account for greater traffic increases than more traditional methods such as link exchanges and banners. When looking at affiliate programs, consider how much you will get for referrals, how popular the directory is and how easy it is to navigate.

Try to look for a company that continuously produces products to help your affiliate marketing efforts. If a company is always putting new products on the market, this is the one you want to go with. There are always some products whose sales shoot up and dazzle briefly, but they fade out before long--and your commissions will also.

Utilize a high quality tracking service. At times, affiliates won't calculate your sales correctly. This causes you to lose profits. You can avoid these potential losses and definite hassles if you hire a reliable tracking service to begin with. These services are usually not free, but it will be money well spent.

If you want to make money in affiliate marketing, it is crucial to know what you're doing. Your internet site should be given as a high a rank as it can be in search engine results. Higher search ranking means more and higher quality affiliates, which means better profits.

Do not choose extremely popular products because this could prove difficult for you. Quality is important, popularity is not always so. If you become involved with a highly sought-after product, you may face tough competition. Therefore, it may be hard to make money.

In order to get an edge on your competition, quickly get more followers through Google Plus. Advertise your account on other social media sites, and have a way for people to easily follow you with a link on your site. If your content is high quality, people will want to follow you.

All of your affiliate marketing content should be given a positive slant. Phrases that could be perceived as negative should be changed. G.

Only conduct business with reliable affiliate companies. The botom line is tha you will not work with any business that provides less than 20% of the income on each item that is sold. Well-run affiliate companies value affiliate sellers that bring in big profits, and they are willing to reward that behavior with bonuses and higher commission percentages.

A tip to help you achieve success with your affiliate marketing venture is to design a compelling newsletter that will entice visitors to sign up for your email list. Not long ago, people enjoyed receiving emails. Today, people are more careful about gets their email address, so you need to gain their trust with your newsletter.

Gaining your reader's trust is important in building a good reputation. If you have people that like you and the content of your website, they will help you out. They will click on your referral links more often, and chances are they will buy some of the products that you are promoting.

Contrary to popular opinion, it is clear that affiliate marketing can be a simple process. It takes effort to research and network with others, but it is ultimately worth it. Keep the tips from this article in mind when putting your affiliate marketing plans in action.

SEO & User Friendly Web Applications

Wouldn’t it be great if you were able to augment your sales earnings, gain newer markets for your products or services and strengthen your brand identity all at once? Well, you can with an E-Commerce website.

E-Commerce websitesdesigned and developed by highly skilled, technologically advanced designers and programmers which will empower your enterprise, enabling you to conduct business over the Internet at the click of the mouse. Usually gamut of E-commerce services includes B2B & B2C transactions, online brochures, shopping carts, payment processing gateways, online credit and debit card transactions, and more.

Even while brick and mortar businesses continue to exist, ecommerce is thriving today, cutting across geographical boundaries and time zones enabling businesses to surpass competition. E-Commerce complement your existing business and function as your online marketplace without the necessity of you having to set up a physical establishment.

Whether you are planning on setting up an ecommerce or want your current website to have the ecommerce functionality, it is important to choose the right solutions that are not just easy to integrate into the website, but also beneficial from the search engine point of view. The X-Cart Ecommerce Platform is the right ecommerce solution since it offers a perfect blend of easy integration and search engine optimization. Thousands of ecommerce stores in existence today use X-cart since it improves the standards of business dramatically. If you are looking for better page rankings across search engines such as Google, Yahoo and other prominent ones, this ecommerce platform comes highly recommended.

One of the leading ecommerce solutions for online businesses in various parts of the world is Magento as well. The fact that it is extremely simple to use makes it a popular choice. If you want ecommerce solutions that work in the favour of your users as well as store managers, then Magento Ecommerce is the best solution to opt for. When you integrate Magento ecommerce solutions into your new website or existing ecommerce store, you can notice the increase in the number of visitors and therefore better conversion rates since this is a search engine friendly option.

WordPress is among the most commonly used CMS, especially for many blogging platforms. Unlike the other CMS solutions, Wordpress is the most robust and also cost effective solution, which is preferred by a large number of small and medium sized businesses that would like to establish an online presence, albeit at slightly low costs. Even the simplest website can be transformed into something more innovative and interactive by using this content management system which can be fast, simple & organized.

Why Url Positioning Is crucial In regards to SEO For Small Business

On the subject of Search engine optimisation for your personal business enterprise web site you might have observed that the function which is staying performed for your web site is normally break up into a couple of parts. Initial we have now the on page optimisation in which your website could be checked about to help make convinced it is actually coded correctly plus the pages operate which the text to the web page is suitable etc. Secondly you may have the off webpage function. This is when the goal is to make various web sites to place to yours by linking to you personally. On a simple amount the more inbound links that you simply have linking in your web page the greater credibility your entire internet domain gets.

On the other hand its not necessarily so simple as obtaining thousands of back links to your tiny enterprise web site. The have confidence in amount from the domain linking for you is very important, and which pages you will be being joined from can be critical. Did you know however that wherever the weblink is positioned on a website is additionally crucial and will have an affect on how much authority is handed on?

There are a few places you are able to spot a website link to someones web site from an own webpage. One of the most typical could be while in the sidebar from the page. That is usually where you will find the blogroll, or one-way links of the site which is quite possibly the most frequent destination to website link out to web-sites youre good friends with or which you advise for your consumers. Backlinks contained in the sidebar certainly are a good spot to obtain a weblink and move on a respectable number of weblink credibility for the domain becoming connected to.

A further frequent area you can find people today inserting inks is inside the footer of a website. A good deal of sites will spot a bit a lot less pertinent hyperlinks during the footer, or backlinks that happen to be component of the website link trade application. Unfortunately a whole lot of SEO for small business internet websites assume they need to have reciprocal URLs to have people today linking to their internet site and so they finish up having a messy footer about the bottom on the page with weblink exchanges they have designed or directories they signed as much as, normally with 50 % the internet sites now broken an unchecked. Also bear in mind that with regard to SEO for small business, search engines like yahoo know that the footer is often a put out of sight and out of thoughts for the majority of internet site owners and readers consequently inbound links within the footer move very little credibility into the domain becoming linked to. Thats to not say when you if have a very very well managed internet site with really number of outgoing links the website link influence is worthless, even so the inbound links can be best originating from the sidebar or the information alone.

One more tip about SEO for small business is usually that the opposite main position you might uncover hyperlinks remaining placed on internet sites is in content articles and web site posts on their own. Theyre links within just the exact text of your document rather as opposed to source box or about the side in the web page. Search engines like yahoo watch these one-way links using the most recognition. It is because the inbound links are in context. Not merely towards the context in the webpage but additionally in the context of sentences and words are they surrounded by. If a website is remaining linked to within a body of text it must be pretty applicable into the theme currently being mentioned. It is additionally harder to spam websites within just write-up inbound links while you require the operator to approve the content pieces and backlinks which happens to be harder on a huge scale than gaining them to simply put a backlink at the bottom or aspect of the page. These are typically a couple of the leading sites you are going to obtain links and will enable you to subsequent time you should get a backlink back again from an internet site.

Learn about some great seo for small business from our website at mikemunterseo.com.

SEO with Content Marketing

In SEO one statement is widely used, “Content is King”. For every website owner content is the most important thing for online marketing. Excellent content is proved very useful and beneficial for business. Content marketing is the most trusted method for marketers to generate traffic and return. Content is a good way sharing knowledge and information with customers and prospects. Strong content can help you get profitable customers and leads for future. Content marketing is of many types. While doing content marketing most important thing you need to remember is that the content you create should be of high quality with relevant information, so that it can attract more customers. Here we will discuss some methods of content marketing.

In Internet Marketing white papers are considered very important. These are written by experts on some special topics to help people who need it. Articles are also same as whitepapers. Article writing is a good method of content marketing and spreading the knowledge among people. Articles are based on some topic and most of the time promotional in nature.

Today blog writing is very essential part of internet marketing. Blogs help you update your clients in more specific manner about your business and give you an opportunity to build relationship with them. While blogging you need to maintain your blogs by frequently updating it with new post.

Write for Web2.0 sites

Web 2.0 is the sites, which get content from their users. You can find read/write web pages on these sites for every type of online users. These sites are a boon for online business owners. These give chance to connect with other contributors and readers who are interested in your products and services. For these sites you need to create content very carefully because there your present yourself as a professional and an expert so that other users trust you. Once the users start trusting your content on these sites they will definitely visit your website. Make Use of Social Networking Sites

Today most of the successful marketers are using social networking sites for SEO Search Engine Marketing. Social networking sites give a platform where you can create content keeping specific group of people in mind who can be prospects for your business. Before starting to sell, prove yourself with the good content and show your vast knowledge.


Podcasting is a new technique to spread the informative content among the audience. Podcasting is same as broadcasting, where the website owner records the information in audio format in a series and distributes it via his website or other resources. Users can download it and listen to the information whenever they need it on their mobile phones, iPods, computers and MP3 players. Podcasting is a fast method of telling people about your products and services. This is very helpful way for the people who don’t want to read the complete content. In podcasting they can download the content and listen to it later on.

Video Marketing or Vlogs

Vlogs are the video version of your blogs produced on any particular topic in a series. These are the videos to inform the users about something. Vlogs convey your message more successfully than your blogs. Vlogs is the best option for the online marketers who are not that good at writing. With the help of Vlogs they can spread their verbally and get good leads and potential customers.

If you search, you will find lots of methods for marketing of your content. Choice is yours. You can chose ay method that suits you most. Through content marketing you can easily market your company, your products and services. You can create your own website and write the blogs to impart the knowledge for which people of your niche are looking.

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New Source for Grasping Investment Opportunities

The quantity of information that is needed to make rationale mining investment decisions is immense.It is near impossible to read all the daily emails or go to all the conferences and meetings on mining that have as their ultimate gold-goal the provision of advice to help you make profitable mining investment decisions. Now there is one more source of information; and I venture that it is a good and useful one.

There are two parts to this new feature. The first is called Financials. Besides the name of the listed mining company, are what are titled Investment Details. Here you will find a link to their official website.You will also find the stock exchange on which the company is listed; the currency they deal in; current share price; volume; percent change of share price; and 52-week highs and lows. A second page is called Commodity Exposure. Here are listed the region in which they mine and the commodities they mine. Thus if you are a gold bug and read MineWeb and their endless stream of predictions that the price of gold will rise, here you can find the companies in which to invest in the hope they will make you rich mining gold.I was surprised by how few mine uranium–I cannot but believe that is more valuable than gold. For with uranium you can make energy; whereas gold merely sits idle in a vault making you believe you can buy carrots & guns with the bars in the event of an economic melt-down.

The list of companies is not the entire universe of mining companies. That is why you will find only one company mining coal, another useful product, in my simple view of things. There is room to expand the companies list; at least include more coal mining companies. There is no indication of why some companies are listed and some are not. I am informed that only ”featured” companies are listed; and a featured/listed company apparently pays InfoMine to be featured/listed. I am not sure if that makes them a better investment than an unfeatured/unlisted company. You decide on the basis of your opinion about the merits of company profits going to featuring/listing as compared to dividends.

The companies are not listed alphabetically. So you can have fun stumbling your way down the list to come across surprises you had not previously heard of. Then more fun is to click on the link to enjoy the company description. Some florid writing to be found. Considering how difficult it is to keep abreast of mining investment opportunities, this new feature is to be welcomed. I recommend giving it a try. If you have suggestions to improve it, email them to me and I will forward them on to the folk who are compiling it. As a leading global manufacturer of crushing and milling equipment, we offer advanced, rational solutions for any size-reduction requirements, including quarry, aggregate, grinding production and complete stone crushing station. We also supply individual jaw crusher and Raymond mill as well as spare parts of them.

SEO Perth - SEO Company

Everyone knows this is the time of web, not only huge business but also small business move its attention in web direction because they know there are more and more competition in the market that time so everyone puts your best for improving own business, they are also ready for spending money for improve their business. They developed their web sites and hosted them on the web to improve their business but there are also a problem occurs of having website’s ranks top in major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. Seo is the best solution for this problem.

The seo company provides the seo services for huge and small businesses both, to increase traffic on your web site, you may consider seo services from Seo Company but some new in business not have knowledge of optimization concept so they have to known below terms.

(A) Seo companies have rich knowledge of optimization techniques. (B) Seo companies offers seo professional for their clients. (C) Seo companies provide reliable results. (D) Seo companies reduce cost, time west. Hiring a seo company for improving their business is good one but gather whole information about the seo company which you think to hire is good approach. When hiring a seo company have the below pointes in mind.

(A) Take whole information about the company you want to hire (B) Make list of companies you find in Google searches and take a tour one by one on their sites and find information on their services. (C) Consider their cost some companies offer expensive price for their services.

Everyone should also know that a good seo company provides the below services for their clients.

(A) Keyword research:- keyword is the initial term of optimization technique, seo companies find the keywords (targeted keywords) by using their techniques for which your website rank top in targeted search engines like Google, yahoo and Bing.

(B) Link building: - link building is the most affective technique to get high ranking by using good link building strategies. Web sites get top rank early and for long time in top search engines. Link building includes many terms like:- 1) Anchor text that carries your targeted keyword. 2) Linking to relevant websites. 3) Getting links from reputed websites for example:- educational websites, government websites, commercial websites and high traffic web sites. 4) Page rank improvement.

(C) Social media marketing: - To connect with others the best way is social media on internet. The most of seo firms today provides the social media service with other its services. (D) On page and off page optimization: - We not go in details of on page and off page optimization. Seo companies use these techniques to improving page rank in search engine result page. (E) Pay par click (ppc services):- pay par click relates with the pay par click advertising offers by the paid placement services providers. Start small business online is easy if you have the advantage of professional help getting from seo company because (A) They have known about your targeted customers well. (B) Provides cost affordable seo services. (C) Provides impressive ideas according to tour customer’s demands. The author is currently employed at DPFOC which delivers quality SEO Perth for its clients. Along the time he has been writing articles on various best techniques of SEO services.


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